Ok, so most people know that I'm not very politically active, mostly because I don't plan on spending much of my life in America. Don't get me wrong, I'm not as apathetic as most people my age, but I just don't see the point in arguing on facebook. No one's opinion is going to change because of ten comments back and forth on a status update.
Anyway, so I've been seeing a lot about this Chic-fil-a nonsense, and frankly, I'm shocked. Shocked that it is such a huge deal, and shocked that people didn't know that Chic-fil-a was a conservative/Christian establishment. I mean hello, I used to get Focus on the Family tapes in my kids meals there years ago, they always have Christian music on, and they're always slightly outspoken about supporting family values.
So really, I don't understand why everyone is surprised with Chic-fil-a's statements about supporting the "traditional family".
Ok, now I'm going to get down to the bigger issue. Most of the comments I have seen made about this whole ordeal have to do with people being angry that Chic-fil-a is "anti-gay". I also saw a slightly ridiculous accusation about it being anti-women, but seeing as how that tends to be women's favorite accusation these days (he wouldn't hire me because of my vagina!...no dear, it is because you are a terrible employee, not because of your female anatomy...) I'm not even going to acknowledge that as a real problem.
The issue for me is this. Everyone wants to criticize and say that Chi-fil-a is terrible for being anti-gay. Disregarding the fact that chic-fil-a never actually said anything about hating gay people, I'd like to look at a different side of this. People want to say "they aren't being accepting of everyone, therefore they are terrible people!!" This is a catch-22 way of thinking. People are mad at them for not being accepting of gays, but in fact, those people are doing the exact same thing by not being accepting of chic-fil-a for their beliefs.
If people want to say that "everyone can have an opinion", that's fine, but don't go and bash an establishment because they have an opinion of their own. Its a double standard! If you don't like your friend's views on a subject, you can discuss them or ignore them, either way they're probably not going to change their mind. If you don't like an organization or establishment and their opinions, then don't go there or don'd do business there! But don't tell other people that they should do the same, because then you're guilty of the same thing the people you disagree with are doing. Mad that chic-fil-a has certain beliefs? Think they're trying to force them on others? Cool, don't go there, and tell your friends how you feel. But don't bash people for having a different view and siding with chic-fil-a! By telling people they need to feel the same way you do, aren't you doing the same thing as your "opponent" by forcing your opinions on others??
See what a tangled web this is? This whole mindset of "equality" has to go both ways, or it is null and void altogether. You can't say that one group of people is right, and then decide that everyone who disagrees with those people are wrong for having their own beliefs. I genuinely don't understand this. America used to be a great country because everyone was entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but now its almost like everyone wants us all to be the same. Everyone is the same, everyone needs to believe the same things, everyone has to agree...
This mindset terrifies me. Without people disagreeing, the system of checks and balances begins to fall apart. When people are too afraid to speak their opinion because of the backlash from others, our country will no longer be the same free place it is known for. Freedom of speech is something that the States have, but not many other places in the world get to experience. We've gotten so used to being able to say anything we want, but have we taken it too far? It seems to me like people my age like to go for "shock value" (myself included) to see how far we can take things. Just because we have freedom of speech does not mean we need to tell the world every little gruesome thought that pops into our minds. Its pointless.
So, how do I feel about the chic-fil-a controversy? You'd probably be surprised of my actual opinion, considering the nature of this post. I don't think its necessary for me to put my feelings on the issue in here, because my whole point is that regardless of what side of any issue you find yourself on, don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Divided we fall, and with the way the world is right now, we can't afford to be divided much more. So, have your own opinions, for pete's sake, but accept that other people have different opinions! We're not in elementary school, name calling is way below us (I hate seeing words like ignorant and bigots being thrown around as if it makes the person calling names automatically correct) so why not actually state your opinion without bashing the other side? Have a good old fashioned debate about different issues, but do it with an open mind and actually LISTEN to the other side!
Trust me, I'm just as guilty about all of this as anyone else, probably more so. I just get so tired of seeing people assuming that people are ignorant because they have a certain opinion. Good grief.
Ok, I'm done, just needed to get that out :) Have a great day everyone, whether you are picketing in front of chic-fil-a or going there to get a chicken sandwich!
well said Katie, you rock.