Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Ok ok OK people, I really and truly am going to try and blog more often. I have no idea why blogging is such a struggle for me, it makes no sense for a cynical writer to not enjoy putting her cynical thoughts down and having people read them. Maybe it is the fact that I doubt many people will read my posts, and I think it is a bit of a waste of time since I don't know how to do all of the fancy shmancy stuff with blogs that most people do. I'm going to try and start including pictures and stuff though, so hopefully that will make it a little cooler? Yes? Maybe? Arg.
What to say, what to say...
Lately I'm struggling immensely with the dreaded question: What comes next? Everyone has been asking me what my plan is now that I'm graduated, and I get extremely frustrated anytime someone asks me this. I've reverted to saying "I'm just chilling" or the ever popular "I'm going to be a writer!" (I absolutely love how uncomfortable people get when I say the latter, they back away slowly and tell me how lovely that is...haha)
The problem for me is that there isn't much that I could do that I wouldn't be happy with. Let's see, a mortician, a coroner, a nurse, a Wal-Mart employee, a construction worker, and a truck driver are pretty much the only jobs that I wouldn't enjoy. Actually scratch truck driver, that would actually be kind of awesome. I could wear flannel all day and have an awesome dog for company.
The point is, at every stage of my life thus far, I've been content. More than content actually, I've been happy. No matter where I live or what I'm doing, I'm always fine with it. 9 out of 10 people who ask me what I'm doing now assume that I've moved back to my hometown, which really blows my mind. Don't get me wrong, I love North Carolina, but my town is so small and really has nothing for me right now, especially when I've pretty much got the world at my fingertips.
I've considered the Peace Corps, long term missions work, teaching English somewhere random, going on and getting my masters (I would only do this if it was somewhere abroad, I'm thinking Edinburgh) or just moving to a big city and trying to find a random job. The last option is the least appealing to me, but it seems to be what a lot of people assume I'm going to do. For me, right now, Cleveland is great because I'm comfortable here, I know people, I have connections with professors at school, and I have a great job (not great pay, but amazing people and an insanely flexible schedule) that pays the bills. Also, I have free time to write, and I'm freelancing for a tax software company based out of my hometown.
But alas, I know that my college days are over, which probably means I should get out of my college town, but I just can't seem to figure out where to go next! It's not that I don't have enough options, on the contrary, I seem to have too many. I could seriously do anything and everything and probably be happy. I could live anywhere (except maybe Antarctica, but I do love penguins...) and do any job, and be content.
Anyway, those are my current frustrations. Most people seem to think I need to have some big master plan for my life, but I honestly never gave much thought to post-college life. Graduation was always the goal, and it seems so unfair at how fast everything turns on you. One second everyone is super happy for you because you are about to graduate, then suddenly, they turn into an angry mob, demanding to know what your next move is going to be. Not fair.
I'm sure I'll get bored in Cleveland, but for now I try and stay busy reading and writing and working and hanging out with my friends. And catching up on sleep ;) My first endeavor after graduation was to reread all the Harry Potter books (granted, I've read them all at least five times, but not consecutively) which I've now almost accomplished. Next, I'm reading the Hunger Games, which I'm actually dreading because of the crazy hype surrounding it.
Oh crap, I promised pictures! I need to go back through and add some fun visual stimulation, which you will have seen by the time you read this, so maybe I should just erase this sentence. Nah.
So I can't think of any images that would be appropriate for this post. I promise I'll include pictures in some posts from now on!!

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