So I guess I'll do a little recap of my life the past two weeks.
I left Franklin, moved back to Cleveland. Suzanne and I found an apartment and signed the lease in one day, and we were even successful in knocking fifty dollars off our rent AND not having to pay a deposit. Yeah, we're that good. Our utilities are officially in our name, and the internet people are coming on Monday. It's a crazy feeling, being an adult. Now that I've decided to pay my own bills, life is more stressful, but also a little more satisfying. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything; I've been blessed beyond what I deserve with parents who are more than generous and willing to help me whenever I need it. Which is probably why I'm ready to do stuff on my own.
So we moved everything in, and our furniture is super cute! Suzanne's brother gave her his old living room stuff, so everything matches (including my futon, crazy!) and our kitchen is quaint, just like everything in this apartment.
In other news, my pending graduation in December is stressing me out to the max. I have five writing/reading intensive classes, which means 3 separate 20 page papers, three presentations, and two 15 page papers. Not to mention a grand total of 15 books that I will have completely read by the end of the semester. Ahhhh!! I'm trying to take everything a day at a time, so far I have successfully done at least an hour of homework and an hour of reading every night, which is new for me because usually I can do things the morning they're due and not have to read in order to get by, but I'm really trying to excel this semester, not just scrape by.
But that's boring school stuff. Unfortunately, it's my focus this semester. Part of me wishes I would have spread it out between this semester and next semester and just graduate in May, but I'm really feeling the need to just work really really hard to get all of this done in one straight shot.
Not to mention I also have a part time job (remember the whole paying my own bills thing?) which requires at least 20-25 hours a week of my precious time. Sigh.
I've never thought of weekends as a time to catch up on homework until now. I wrote two small papers today, and read 100 pages of one of my books. Who am I??? This is craziness. Instead of watching movies and napping all day until time to go to work, I'm actually being productive?? Good grief. It's like I'm an adult or something.
That's pretty much all about my life right now. I'm terribly sorry it didn't contain a lot of sarcastic observations about people or delightfully cynical insights of life. My brain feels so squished with information already (three days into the semester, yikes) that it's difficult for me to be witty right now. Hopefully I'll have some wit and charm in my next post. In fact, it will be my goal.
I worked until 12:30 am this morning, and I'm about to head back to work. At least I love the people I work with, because that makes all the difference.
Here's a quote from the book I'm reading, The French Lietenants Woman by John Fowles.
He is speaking about writers, and the reasons we write.
"We wish to create worlds as real as, but other than the world that is. Or was. This is why we cannot plan. We know a world is an organism, not a machine. We also know that a genuinely created world must be independent of its creator; a planned world (a world that fully reveals its planning) is a dead world. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live."
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